Living in a Binary World
They can beg and they can plead
But they can't see the light (that's right)
Are the Words "I'm Sorry" the Most Powerful Words in Mediation?
It's sad, so sad. Why can't we talk it over?
Oh, it seems to me that sorry seems to be the hardest word.
One of the Biggest Mistakes Lawyers Make in Mediation . . .
Lawyers are trained to fight and win for their clients. That’s why so many fall short when it comes time to mediate their case.
How Should Your Mediator be Oriented?
"Now you listen here, I'm an advertising man, not a red herring. I've got a job, a secretary, a mother, two ex-wives and several bartenders depending upon me, and I don't intend to disappoint them all by getting myself 'slightly' killed." — Roger O. Thornhill (North by Northwest)